42 Punkte für die Zukunft

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Von Dan Founder

  1. When you hit your 40’s, you’ll see 2 types of people: Those who took care of themselves and those who did not.
  2. Lifting weights is investing in your future self. Start now to be functional well into your 80s while increasing your attractiveness.
  3. Mental health is correlated with physical health. The healthier you are the better an environment for your mind to be in.
  4. Sleep is the best performance-enhancing drug on the planet that removes waste from your brain and body. Fix it and you fix a lot of problems in life.
  5. Walk when you’re bored. Walk when you’re stressed. Walk when you’re angry. Walk when you need creativity. Walk to gain clarity. Walking is the most underrated exercise on the planet. Just do it.
  6. Make a list of the things that annoy you. That’s how small you are.
  7. Make a list of the things you love. That’s how big you are.
  8. Stop taking shit personally. Create a mentality of API (assuming positive intent). Life’s too short to give mental energy to slights and perceived insults.
  9. Stop looking for approval. Seeking approval is relying on external validation. Validation is an inside job.
  10. Your perception is your reality. If you want a better life, you need to change the lens through which you experience the world.
  11. Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t trade places.
  12. If they don’t have your phone number, they don’t know you. Act accordingly.
  13. Your rate of failure is equal to your rate of success. Want to succeed faster? Do more experiments. Fail faster.
  14. Never judge a person based on what they say. Judge based on what they do. Behavior is a more accurate way of assessing character.
  15. If you cut off a friendship because you disagree on things like politics, it’s a sign that you don’t want friends. You want an echo chamber.
  16. A good friend is someone who talks shit to you in person and sticks up for you behind your back.
  17. If you want better results in life, look at the people you surround yourself with. If they don’t match the reality you’re creating find a better group.
  18. The smartest people in the world have no problems being the dumbest people in the room. This is why they’re smart.
  19. Being broke and poor are not the same. Being broke is a condition you deal with when you don’t have money. Being poor is a mental condition that keeps you broke.
  20. If you are broke your first priority is paying off your credit cards & avoiding consumer debt while fixing your money mindset.
  21. Most people think a great life is about money, cars, and houses. When the reality is a great life is based on things money can’t buy like health, family, and relationships.
  22. A problem is a symptom. If you want to solve anything in life, you must fix it at the root.
  23. Want to be wise? Use the 3 levels of learning:
    Level 1 is consumption. This is the shallowest of all.
    Level 2 is application. This turns knowledge into experience.
    Level 3 is teaching. This turns experience into wisdom.
    Apply all 3 to learn things at a deep level.
  24. The path to mental peace goes through forgiveness. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Resentment is wasted mental energy that hurts you more than the other party.
  25. Your parents did the best they could with what they were taught. Forgive them and move on.
  26. Your emotions are your responsibility. Remember, no one made you feel a way. Your body did that on its own.
  27. Take ownership of every result in your life. It may not be your fault, but it’s always your responsibility.
  28. No one’s life was made better by being easily offended or complaining. Stop being so sensitive and start being solution-oriented.
  29. When you blame others you lose agency and give them power. Personal power means to avoid blaming others.
  30. Give a fuck about your appearance. This starts with your body and is further communicated through how you dress and cut your hair. You don’t need to be a fashionista. You just need to look like you give a fuck about how you look.
  31. The secret to success is identifying the one constraint holding you back from it. Be systematic in eliminating your biggest constraint as this opens the floodgates of results.
  32. Your mind is a goal-seeking machine. You need to give it a goal or one will be given to you.
  33. Achieving a goal is not about getting things. It’s about becoming the person who attracts the goal as a result of who they are.
  34. You’ll enjoy your life more when you focus on enjoying the climb rather than reaching the summit.
  35. The purpose of life is not to retire but to be useful. Once you’re not useful anymore then it’s time to retire.
  36. The shortcut is the easy path, which becomes hard later. The long path is hard but becomes easier.
  37. When starting a new side hustle, do it while working your current job. Set the goal to match your working income with your side hustle income. Be consistent and always look for ways to improve.
  38. The top 3 ways to transform your life are getting your health, money, and mind right. Work on one at a time, then move on to the next.
  39. The pinnacle of life experience is having children. There’s no other event in your life that will match the feeling of raising children.
  40. “When you’re 30 you should….” Fuck these lists. Everyone has a different timing when it comes to life. Honor your timing.
  41. Never use age as an excuse to do the things you’re meant to do. You’re younger than you think yet old enough to know a thing or two. Don’t fuck it up.
  42. The only way you lose is if you give up. If you’re alive, it means you still have a chance. Use this to your advantage.

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