Introvertierte Menschen

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Ich beschäftige mich für meine Abschlussarbeit (Paar- und Familentherapeut) zurzeit mit introvertierten Menschen und bin dabei auf folgende Liste gestossen. Einige dieser Punkte treffen durchaus auch auf mich zu.

  1. Respect their need for privacy.
  2. Never embarrass them in public.
  3. Let them observe first in new situations.
  4. Give them time to think; don’t demand instant answers.
  5. Don’t interrupt them.
  6. Give them advance notice of expected changes in their lives.
  7. Give them 15 minute warnings to finish whatever they are doing.
  8. Reprimand them privately.
  9. Teach them new skills privately.
  10. Enable them to find one best friend who has similar interests & abilities.
  11. Don’t push them to make lots of friends.
  12. Respect their introversion; don’t try to remake them into extroverts.

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